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1 August 2003 Lichens of Antarctica and South Georgia: A Guide to Their Identification and Ecology
E. Imre Friedmann
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Lichens of Antarctica and South Georgia: A Guide to Their Identification and Ecology. By D. O. Øvstedal and R. I. Lewis Smith. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. 424 pp. $100.00. ISBN 0-521-66241-9.

It is probably fair to say that lichens are the most conspicuous and ecologically most important living things on the Antarctic continent. While the surrounding oceans are brimming with life, the dry land itself supports two species of higher plants and very few, mostly microscopic or nearly microscopic animals. For biologists working on the continent, lichens are of great significance. Yet until now there was practically no source available that would offer adequate, reliable, and accessible information about antarctic lichens. The idiosyncratic monograph of Dodge published in 1973 is not only outdated but, for its users, more a source of frustration than information. Now we are fortunate to have the handy and excellent book by Øvstedal and Lewis Smith on the lichens of Antarctica and nearby South Georgia.

The book provides good descriptions of over four hundred antarctic lichen species, with useful notes on ecology and distribution for each taxon as well as a dichotomous key. The identification of lichens is not easy for the uninitiated and requires the use of thin-layer and even high-performance liquid chromatography. Although this book is not for the absolute beginner, determined readers with some basic familiarity with lichens and with the help of the glossary of terms, as well as the 105 color and 50 black-and-white illustrations, will be able to use the book. The introductory part offers detailed and useful information on environment, ecology, and distribution of antarctic lichens, with many valuable data conveniently arranged in tabular form.

This is a useful and beautifully produced book that can be highly recommended.


E. Imre Friedmann "Lichens of Antarctica and South Georgia: A Guide to Their Identification and Ecology," Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 35(3), 410, (1 August 2003).[0410:BR]2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 August 2003
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